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Everything I Do I Do It For You

时间:08-09    来源:写信网

What you mean to me

­Search your heart-search your soul

And when you find me there

­You'll search no more

Don't tell me it's not worth trying for

­You can't tell me It's not worth dying for

­You know it's true

Everything I do I do it for you

Look into my heart-you will find

­There's nothing there to hide

Take me as I am-take my life

­I would give it all I would sacrifice

Don't tell me

­It's not worth fighting for I can't help it

It is nothing I want more

­You know it's true

Everything I do I do it for you

Oh yeah There's no love-like your love

­And no other-could give more love

There's nowhere-unless you're there

­All the time-all the way yeah...

Look into your heart baby

Oh You can't tell me

­It's not worth trying for I can't help it

There's nothing I want more

­I would fight for you I'd lie for you

Walk the wire for you-I'd die for you

­You know it's true

Everything I do I do it for you。

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